Instructions for sending supplier invoices to Agder County Municipality (Agder fylkeskommune)

In accordance with Norwegian bookkeeping legislation, invoices must be written in English, Norwegian, Swedish or Danish. 

Denne artikkelen er over ett år gammel og kan inneholde utdatert informasjon

Invoices must include the following information: 

  1. Invoice number and invoice date. 

  1. The names of the supplier and customer. 

  1. A description of the service/product supplied. 

  1. Date and place for delivery of the product/service. 

  1. Amount due, currency and due date. 

  1. Specification of VAT and/or other taxes/duties where applicable. 

Suppliers should send invoices in electronic EHF 3.0 format where possible. EHF is the Norwegian equivalent of the European standard invoice format Peppol BIS. 

Some systems require the country code in addition to the customer’s organisation number. The country code for Norway is 0192. 

Invoices should be addressed to ‘Agder fylkeskommune’. 

  • Organisation number for Norwegian suppliers: 921707134 
  • Organisation number for suppliers outside of Norway which require a country code: 0192:921707134 

Our electronic invoice address is the same for all schools and departments which are part of Agder County Municipality (listed below):

Additional requirements for invoices 

  1. The ‘your reference’/’buyer reference’ field must include a resource number. 

  1. The first and last name of the purchaser must appear on the invoice. 

  1. If the purchaser has provided a contract number when ordering, then this must appear on the invoice. 

  1. Credit notes must state the invoice number of the invoice which is being credited. 

  1. Attachments to EHF invoices must be in PDF format. 

Invoices from foreign suppliers 

Invoices from suppliers outside of Norway must also include IBAN and BIC (swift) codes. 

Invoice address

Agder fylkeskommune 
Postboks 788 Stoa 
4809 Arendal 

If a supplier outside of Norway is unable to send an electronic EHF invoice, then invoices may be sent by post to the above address, or by e-mail to:

Invoices which do not comply with the instructions above may be returned to the sender. 


If you have any questions, please contact us by email